About us
The Neurobiological Basis of
Neurosomatic Treatment
Books Available
Practicalities of the Programme and
How to Contact us


"Recovery from M.E./CFS and Fibromyalgia (FM) is possible.
It is no longer an incurable condition.
Many sufferers of M.E./CFS & Fibromyalgia from all over the UK
are now becoming well again by applying brain-body treatments
like Neurosomatic Therapy."

How Proactive Neurosomatic Treatment Works

• We explain how our neural networks can make us particularly vulnerable to illness
• We explain the link between your symptoms and the dysfunction of the HPA-axis
(ie over-stimulation of the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Gland axis)
• We help you discover the hidden meaning of your symptoms
• We help you establish new neural pathways and
a healthy body-wide balance of neurochemicals and hormones
by making new choices of action that will dispel your symptoms
• We help you learn to use new ways of establishing and sustaining wellnes

• There is no medication, change of diet or exercise programme
• We employ face-to-face talking, from which we design your own recovery programme

• We guide you to take effective, energy-enhancing proactive approaches that dispel your symptoms

The majority of people with CFS/ME and FM make a good recovery by following our neurosomatic programme.
We approach this work with the most genuine of intentions and conviction that
the neurosomatic approach can be highly effective for most people with these conditions.
However, we also affirm that the neurosomatic approach may not be suitable for everyone with
CFS/ME and/or FM, and, depending on your illness history and other factors,
we are unable to guarantee that this approach will help everyone.

Unfortunately, we are not yet in a position to be able to confirm the extent to which
Neurosomatic Therapy is appropriate or helpful
for individuals suffering from Long Covid-19. We will update this site as new medical evidence appears.

Neurosomatic Treatment is currently only available ON-LINE via Zoom or Skype.
At present (Summer 2024) we regret we have a long waiting list and no spaces for new clients.

Click here to see what we do in the first session

Find out more about the Proactive Neurosomatic Approach to Recovery

Find out more about Neurosomatic Illness and the Neurosomatic Recovery Programme
at our more detailed web site




Ph.D., Dip. CBT., Memb. Brit. Holistic Medic. Assoc.,
Cert. Intro. Counselling Skills

Co-Author of
"Breakthrough for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,
M.E. and Fibromyalgia.
How Neurobiology and Epigenetics
Point the Way to Recovery.
Volume 1: Chronic Neurosomatic Illness."

Published November 2015 by Wellwise Press
754 pages: Now only £23.00
Available from amazon.co.uk or Wellwise4ME

Find out more about this book on
Chronic Neurosomatic Illness,
by Judith Maizels and Fiona Adamson

Other publications about the
Proactive Neurosomatic Recovery are also available


B.A., M.Litt.,
• Dip. Gestalt Psychoth.
• Adv. Dip. Transpersonal Psych.
• A.C. Accredited Coach.
• Memb. Brit. Holistic Medic. Assoc.
• Certif. Supervision
• Licensed HeartMath One-to-One Provider
• APECS Accredited Executive Coach Supervisor
• Co-Author of "Breakthrough for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome..." with Judith Maizels


From 2024 we welcome Counsellor Richard Cavalier
to join us, offering clients a Neurosomatic Route to Recovery
For further details go to
www.cavaliercounselling.co.uk or contact 07790 584044.


Read our article about Neurosomatic Therapy
published in 2017 in the Journal
Click here for a free download

Testimonials from Clients

"A miracle happened! After 10 years of fatigue, muscle pain, taking a cocktail of drugs, planning so as not to over exert myself. Feeling each day was a drudge to get through. Being disconnected emotionally and physically, from family, friends. I have come alive! After three months treatment I can swim, walk, do Pilates and participate in life in a way I never thought possible. I am proactive in my relationships, making plans and enjoying the day. Sleeping through the night. Also, have stopped my 10-year cocktail of drugs and their side effects! The future has opened up for me. I have new hopes and dreams. This summer I will be travelling, visiting friends and family. Setting up a new business, reading and learning. I do not ‘completely’ understand how the treatment works, I just know it has. I will be eternally grateful for the work you (Judith) have done in establishing this treatment. And for you as a person, you are a wise, inspirational, discerning, gifted therapist, who has given me my ‘self’  back. Many many thanks! Advice if you're thinking about trying this recovery programme: Go for it! Don't think about it, just do it. Trust Judith." C.G., fully recovered from fibromyalgia after 10 years 'officially', but probably 26 years of pain and debility

"I have been completely overjoyed at the effectiveness of the Recovery Programme.  After having M.E. for 10 years and trying different treatments and diets I had almost given up hope of ever fully recovering.  I noticed an improvement in my symptoms after just one session and have been improving ever since. It was such a relief to finally understand the reasons behind my illness and then feel empowered to be participating in my own recovery by following the Programme instead of spending years hoping someone else would fix me! I am now almost fully recovered and am enjoying life again!"
Michele Crawley, recovered from CFS/ME after 10 years of illness.

"Having suffered with the effects of chronic tiredness/fatigue for the past ten years, coupled with anxiety, low self esteem and just being continually on-edge, I always felt there must be a connection, but my research always led to a separation of these afflictions, each having their own symptoms and treatments.  Then I stumbled upon Judith’s work, which provided a true lightbulb moment. Suddenly everything made sense, so much so that I felt very emotional having at last a full understanding of my illness and its root cause, which led to the beginning of my recovery. Her compassion and understanding I will never forget." Paul Greenhaulgh, California, USA, and Lancs, UK.

"I came to Fiona eight years after being diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and during a period when I was also suffering from chronic fatigue. Fiona helped me pinpoint the key triggers for my symptoms; the fatigue has now lifted, and my muscle and nerve pain is also subsiding. I am convinced that Fiona's analysis of the root causes of these conditions is correct - but over and above this, she is a gifted healer who not only set me on the road to recovery, but also made me feel welcome and nurtured." E.C.

"I suffered from M.E. on and off for over 25 years. Once I learned about the biological processes involved in creating the symptoms, and we discovered what my symptoms were really trying to tell me, I learned to take effective action to literally switch off the symptoms. It felt like a MIRACLE! I am a new woman - a Well Woman, for the first time since age 30!" J.M

"We started our sessions after I’d mentioned my fibromyalgia pain to Judith, who then asked me if I was angry about anything. I was so surprised at such an unexpected question, especially as my response was a strong “YES!”, but this was anger that I had kept inside. While sceptical at first, after just a few sessions I could feel a great improvement, and within 3 months I had no more pain. Judith taught me what to do to get my anger out safely and to talk to my partner about my feelings whenever I felt the pain coming back. When my pain occasionally comes back I know exactly what to do to get rid of it. I would recommend this treatment to anybody with fibromyalgia pain as the recovery programme has helped me tremendously."  Marie-Louise, fully recovered from fibromyalgia after 3 years of pain and debility.

If you would like to explore these ideas further,
would like to ask us anything about the Recovery Programme,
or would like to make an appointment or arrange a free introductory phone chat,
do get in contact with us

Find out how to contact us
by clicking here.